Saturday, November 27, 2010

Random Romantic News from the Bridge...

The Essential Random Romantic News Today

Some feverishly charging prince

Instinctively, a feeling reaches an understanding with a slyly hypnotic theater. Some life around a chair single-handledly satiates a dystopian trance, but a dance uncertainly makes love to a book near a costume. When a foreign land striving for a tiger appears to be wisely fresh, the life striving for some tiger usually throws a letter connected to a song at a lucid lover. A soulless evening dances with the bird over the bird. Everywhere, a spiral o
ver the stage moves the heart to a cosmopolitan doctor pours perfume on some violin.

The horse

A perfectly formed storm weaves a spell, and a chair hides; however, a temporal life throws a seething betrothed at a shy wife. An often swaying soul secretly admires a cosmopolitan prince. Everywhere, an Utopian light moves the heart to a heartbeat teaches a ressurection. Some rain shower often inspiress a renaissance in the pact always in the presence of a hound.

A dreamlike flow

The dream make a truce with a leg, but she felt this 'play' was designed so that the poet called 'Shelly' would eat the Greek face. Indeed, a ghost learns a hard lesson from another rose inside the house. The elusive dress seems to be alleged. A prince of a doctor falls to the ground in tears, and a decadent song wakes up; however, a table near a novel laughs and dancess all night with an elusive visit. Seeing a spiral, she decided that the reality implodes.

A past

Frenzied imaginings reveal a dance dances with some lazily nearest sky, and at precisely the same moment seldom the eternity runs wildly through the woods. Never the less, a feeling starts reminiscing about lost glory, and the bouquet striving for a visit knows a reality. Seeing the Goddess, she decided that the unstable present falls to the ground in tears. A sailing boat living with the journey seems to be soulless. Sometimes an eagerly unstable hound ceases to exist, but a summer night about the foreign land always imagines another person with a desperate dove!

The Experts Conclude

The field, the table, and a heart striving for a lover are the key to love. Seeing a dress always in the presence of the heartbeat, she decided that a mad romantic poet known as Byron about a present ruminates. Frenzied imaginings reveal a red violin hesitantly finds subtle faults with the rain shower of a moon, and at precisely the same moment carelessly a betrothed beyond a struggle runs wildly through the woods. The mad romantic poet known as Byron buries an idealistic field.

This 'work of genius' was created by a machine operating randomly,

you could definitely do much better creating something, perhaps randomly, yourself,

why not have a go...   back on line


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