Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christine's Cosmopolitan Question: Are You Going to Introduce Your Kids to Santa Clause?

I'm a little perplexed by the idea of Santa. I'm not sure if I'm going to tell Lady A about Santa Clause or not. At one end of the spectrum, I ask myself, "Why not? Isn't that part of the joys of childhood: wonder, amazement, and imagination? Plus, if I don't tell her about Santa Clause, does that mean I have to leave out the tooth fairy and other childhood characters that leaves us around preteen years?"

On the other end of the spectrum, I ask myself, "Why should I lie to her? Shouldn't I teach her about the beauty of working hard so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor?" Perhaps I'm overanalyzing this question. In my parents day they just told us there was a Santa Clause and enjoyed eating the cookies and milk their children left for them, while they wrapped their gifts. My dad even dressed up like Santa Clause!

I guess part of the reason we tell our kids about Santa Clause is because we want to enjoy childhood all over again, because as we age and see our children grow up, we realize just how fleeting those moments are.

Do you tell your kid(s) about Santa? Why or why not?



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