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No celebrities are having more teasing appearance than Katy Perry. Most of the men in the world are wishing that they can do anything to her, and that's part of the reason why some much people hate (or envy) Russel Brand. In November 2010 edition of Cosmopolitan magazine, Katy Perry reveals secrets about her boyfriend and her trademark breast.
We don't really care about Katy Perry's interview in Cosmopolitan, but the pictures on the cover and pages are WOW! She looks amazing in lingerie, ready to go to bed, or at least that's what we're assuming, because in that magazine Katy Perry said that she was bummed that she can’t wear her LED dress to bed because the mattress would catch on fire!
We don't really care about Katy Perry's interview in Cosmopolitan, but the pictures on the cover and pages are WOW! She looks amazing in lingerie, ready to go to bed, or at least that's what we're assuming, because in that magazine Katy Perry said that she was bummed that she can’t wear her LED dress to bed because the mattress would catch on fire!

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